Xia Guan Tuo Cha

2007 XiaGuan Ma Bei Tuocha Raw Pu-Erh Tea

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Ma Bei (Horseback) Tuocha, as the name suggested, it was tea carried by horses. In the age of underdeveloped transportation, tea was sent thousands of miles away from the original place of production through the high mountains, and horses became the best way of transportation. An ancient tea-horse road (茶马古道) connected by horses was born from this. Ma Bei Tuocha is selected from Yunnan Big-leaf sun-dried tea leaves aged 3-6 years in plateau warehouses as raw materials, and is carefully blended by the traditional blending techniques of Xiaguan. Refined by Xiaguan hundred years of production skills. The Tuocha has dark color and rich aroma with a honey fragrance. The steeped tea cup has a strong and long-lasting fragrance, and you can taste the fragrance in the tea soup. The tea soup is orange-yellow, which has a rich and balanced taste.